TTX Vault - The Drill Package
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There is nothing like a good drill. With the seven levels of HSEEP and the clamor for attention generally associated with functional and full scale exercises, somehow the art of a simple drill has been lost. In this product set a jurisdiction can now exercise one of the following single and specific topics in a one day format.
* IMT Deployment
* EOC Activation
* Public Information Systems
* Communications
* Manual Accountability
All Drill scenarios comes with an additional template set in our Chelsea County USA online simulation environment . All of the HSEEP required paperwork for a tabletop exercise is pre-assembled and able to be edited.
* Situation Manual
* Briefing slides in Powerpoint
* Exercise Summary
* Master Scenario Event List
* ICS 213 forms of the MSEL for Exercise Facilitation
* Participant Feedback Forms
* Exercise Evaluation Guides and After Action- Improvement Plan Template.
The scenario has over 700 files electronic files to support your drill including custom forms and the all plans, informational sheets and maps for Chelsea County USA.
This concept and product was designed keeping in mind how valuable emergency managers and public safety professionals time is. TTX Vault scenarios in cluding the drill series gives you a jump start on the tedious process of exercise assembly. Additional files provided include ICS forms and custom built ICS document products.